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- Inspirations
The best parties are those not remembered.
Where were you? What was I?
The dancing elephant took over.
And I looked into your eye.
The rest is history.
The rest is mystery.
The golden dance never ends.
Will you take me there?
-Anne-Chloé Destremau
July 2023
Is it true that you live in a culture where it is virtually impossible, or at least very unlikely, that your inspired vision will change the lives of dozens, hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people?
Isn’t it strange?
April 2023
Chapter Two of Archiarchal Woman. Chapter One is Women Are The Key To The Emergence Of Next Culture (November 2018, too long ago…)
What sources a woman’s fear of being arrogant? Is arrogance shocking – or revolutionary? Does arrogance equate to being thoughtlessly self-centered? Were you raised to be a ‘good girl’, kind, humble, and uncertain about yourself?
It is the new epoch, the bridge into Archiarchy, where women grow up from naively accepting What Is, to arrogantly creating What Is.
January 2023
As you consider your next step in extracting yourself from modern civilization to create and inhabit Archiarchal cultures, there is a time when you can no longer abide by the Rule of Law of modern civilization. It becomes too disgusting, too insane to continue to act as if this behavior is acceptable to you. At the same moment, you are also not skilled enough to create and inhabit your own Archiarchal culture yet. In that gap is nothingness, absolute groundlessness. You may find that your old identity does not fit you anymore, but no new identity has settled in yet. Now you are in a liquid state. You cannot have both the protection of modern culture and the aliveness of Archiarchal culture. The exact personal resources that you sacrifice to be a slave of modern culture are those you need to stand on your own two feet in your part of Archiarchal culture...
February 2022
If you cannot say ‘No’ how can you ever trust your ‘Yes’?
Not being able to say ‘No’ is not just leaving out a word in your vocabulary, it is giving up on having enough respect and dignity for what you want and what you do not want in the moment. Not 1 hour later, 1 day later or a year later. Now. And Now. And Now. In each moment.
November 2021
It could be that still today, you install fake external pressure circumstances to manipulate yourself to create what you already want to come into existence. For example, you might impose deadlines on yourself, or pay people to check-in on you, have a boss that tells you what to do, or enroll in classes to give you assignments as a form of self-manipulation. Did you ever notice yourself resenting these external pressures even though you arranged them yourself?
August 2021
Considering the Box’s fear of the pain of changing its own survival habits, positive thinking, methods and motivation are weak forces. The pain of awareness, on the other hand, is a much more powerful force for change because the place from which life decisions are made is built out of awareness...
November 2020
Until a few weeks ago, I thought that E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) had moved me to another world, taking me far away from both of these challenges, somehow for my own good. I write this article because now, five years later, I realize that I have arrived at exactly the place I was searching for in 2015. I am a Next Culture Entrepreneur...
October 2020
“It took me a long time to start grasping the vast possibility held in the meme: Something completely different from this is possible right now.
April 2020
As you realize that you have the power to establish a new context in your family, why not go for the big experimental? Why not go for an extraordinary or archetypal family instead of the traditional family ‘prison’ set up for continuous warfare?
Times of crisis can be times of greatest aliveness. When the routine is gone, improvisation is allowed. Improvisation comes out of aliveness. This time of crisis could be the best time of your life, your children’s lives, and your family life. Without a fundamental context shift, you might be making it the worst of times.
Life is short. Do what matters most. Only you can make the most of it...
February 2020
On the fifth day of a temporary magic school, it became obvious that the soil in the magicians and sourceresses had been prepared enough for their Dragons to sprout and flame-up the world with a certain kind of poetry. I was one of the Dragon Speakers. Here what I as my Dragon said:
February 2020
These next few paragraphs were originally written for the ones who — like me — did not join or do not plan to join marches in the near future. The purpose is to explore and propose subversive activities alternative to marching. This is not to say that marching is inefficient or ineffective. This is only suggesting that a greater diversity of subversive activity makes the (r)evolution and the (r)evolutionaries stronger...
January 2020
We have discovered that the experiences you might now relate to as ‘wounds’ are new parts of your Being coming to life. The times you most poignantly re-experience your ‘woundedness’ are the times the new parts of your Being are ready to be born. Once the new parts of your Being actively participate in your life, you don’t need to remember your ‘wounds’ anymore, like the acorn and the chick naturally abandon their shells..."
September 2019
Before I encountered the possibility of adulthood and the concept of going through archetypal initiatory processes, I mostly regarded myself as a strange human being overoccupied with too many considerations and questions for my friends and loved ones to bear. I had learned to mostly be quieter than I wanted to be. Unconsciously, I had discovered that I could be a little louder — and little crazier — when I and my friends were drunk. Then my degree of craziness would go unnoticed...
July 2019
Nobody trained us how to negotiate the food our five bodies need and want in relationship. We make this weird assumption that if you love somebody and that somebody loves you then the food for all five bodies will appear all by itself or that the person who loves you is the one who is suppose to feed your five bodies. You might want to rethink those assumptions.
What if it doesn’t happen? What if co-generating food for five bodies is a dance, a conscious theater piece, consciously and ongoingly negotiated with co-experimenters according to what your five bodies want?
June 2019
In modern culture, the thoughtware about ‘Taking Action’ is directly connected to the sensation of having to ‘Do’ something. We assume that to ‘Take Action’ we must do something. That is our way of approaching the problem called ‘Taking Action’.
The industrial thoughtware of modern culture hammers in us that we must use our time to ‘Do Something’, and that if we are ‘Doing Nothing’ then we are a burden for society, we are not contribution to the economy, and we are not worth being taken care of by the nation-state...
March 2019
"Thoughtware is what we think with.
We seldom think about what we think with.
We mostly think about what we think about. We think about our relationships, about what we will have for dinner, about how to balance our accounts, etc… These are all things we think about. But what do we use to think with, about those things? We use what we call thoughtware.
November 2018
If the leverage point used by modern culture to overpower traditional cultures is teenage boys, the leverage point for transforming modern culture into next culture is teenage women. The women, especially the young women, are the key to the emergence of next culture.
Women are the key because women have a better chance to escape the patriarchal empire.
March 2018
Did you ever wake up with an impression that this is going to be ‘one of those days’?
The alarm didn’t go off. Your important meeting starts in fifteen minutes so you are already late. There is no time for coffee and you don’t have anything to wear. Your hair is a mess and you don’t have time to take a shower and anyway your shower broke down yesterday. The plumber said there is no hot water for a week…
February 2018
I tap my phone to see what time it is. It’s 5:48 am — nothing unusual. I sense a void inside my throat. It wants to fill up with a soft but forceful wave coming from my belly, a kind of presence inside my stomach dying to splash out into the world, but it dies in my mouth. I choose to formulate the energy into words — inaccurate, sloppy words. The sounds coming out...
February 2018
“If it is not impossible, why bother doing it?” Lee Lozowick would say.
If something is possible, it means you or someone else has already done it before. Otherwise, how would you know that it is possible?
And if something has already been done, why would you want to do the exact same thing again? Do you think that will fulfill the deepest longings that are throbbing away in your heart and soul? Do you think it will feed you the way you have been dreaming of for so long?...
Copyleft © Anne-Chloé Destremau, 2022
All rights given. Please share and copy anything that inspires you on this website.
If you do use any of the material please mention Anne-Chloe Destremau and Possibility Management as the source.