I was not aware I was a cultural creative until I met other agents of transformation who welcomed me as their peers. Before then, I thought I was a very strange human being.

Now I see that I am just an ordinary Trainer.

I am shocked at the lack of imagination of modern culture to bring people to life in their true calling so they can serve society from beyond its edge.

Now that I can stand on that edge, I dedicate myself to reaching over to my colleagues and friends edgeworkers and calling them back into action, even if they are afraid to show up in their true power again, even if they forgot that not knowing how to do it does not matter.

When I deliver clarity that ignites unquenchable sparkling eyes and committed voices from others, a village of empowered humans appears and I regain hope for a bright future for humanity.


Vera Franco & Anne-Chloé Destremau at the Women of Earth Lab in Germany, June 2023.

After graduating with a BS in Economics and Private Law, and an MS in International Arbitration and Litigation from La Sorbonne University in Paris and Columbia University in New York, plus journeying around the world for a couple of years becoming a Buddhist in Nepal, and managing an Ecosystem Restoration Camp in Spain, I found my home as a Possibility Management Trainer and StartOver.xyz learning platform builder. My law-sharpened precision was launched through adulthood feelings initiations until I was creating nonlinear and unreasonable possibilities for rooms full of people taking back their own clarity and authority.

Standing on the edges of what is known, I deliver unreasonable inspiration during talks, workshops, and trainings while building new forms of toroidal communities around the world. I stand on the tacit knowledge and proves that:

“something completely different from this is possible right now.”


Thoughtware Press

In 2022, I open the Archan publishing company: Thoughtware Press and get our first book out — No Reason from Clinton Callahan. In 2025, Thoughtware Press is small but committed team of five people, not including our local distributors in Germany, Poland, Portugal, Brazil and New Zealand.

We now sell Archan books in multiple languages,
across the globe.


Possibilitator Path

Along co-trainers, Vera Franco and Clinton Callahan, we open the door to global formal training possibility for fundamental professions in Archiarchy that split into thousands of specialties as people’s Archetypal Lineage emerge: the Possibilitator Path.


Women of Earth Movement

October 2023 is the official kick-off of the Women of Earth Movement with the first Women of Earth Lab in Portugal with 30 women. The originator of the Women of Earth Movement are Vera Franco, Ana Norambuena and myself, Anne-Chloé.

The movement was gestating since the first time I met Vera in 2017 over video conference. No one predicted we would be joyfully collaborating and empowering women years later.

Only a year later, in 2024, I go on the first Women of Earth Tour in Europe delivering 20 events in 4 countries over 4 weeks.

In 2026, we are preparing for the first Women of Earth Summit in New Zealand gathering 60 women gameworld builder to use the distinctions and processes of Radical Responsibility in their projects and Teams.



I co-originate the StartOver.xyz game with Clinton Callahan. StartOver.xyz is personal, relational and cultural transformation game, played online and offline, designed to empower cultural creatives to unleash their vision into the world through wild experiments.

StartOver.xyz is ongoingly expanding and evolving with more than 700 interlinked websites, 10’000 matrix-building experiments and thousands of players around the world.


Masters in International Arbitration and Litigation from La Sorbonne University

After completing a double-Bachelor in Private Law and Economics at La Sorbonne University in 2013, I graduate with a Masters degree in International Arbitration and Litigation at La Sorbonne University that includes a semester at Columbia Law School in the City of New York.

I quit working as a lawyer three months into my first job. I retire just before my 23rd birthday, and never work for a corporation again.


Camp Manager at Ecosystem Restoration Communities

Two weeks after moving into the first Ecosystem Restoration Camp, I am made Camp Manager, holding space for a dozen-people team ranging from permaculturist, carpenter, ecosystem designer, evolutionaries, and local connectors.


Young French Swimming Champion

I swim semi-professionally from 11 to 16 years-old in a french structure combining high school and competitive sport (“sport-étude”). In 2008, I am Young French Swimming Champion for the 200 medley in a 50m pool.


Possibility Management Trainer Path

After becoming a certified Possibility Management Trainer capable of delivering Expand The Box training, I start a training path for the next generation of Expand The Box trainers. I call it the Trainer Path.


Possibility Management Trainer

In November 2018, I am officially certified as an Expand The Box Trainer by the Possibility Management Trainer Guild after successfully delivering a 3-day Expand The Box on my own, supervised by a trainer-trainer.

An Introduction