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- Inspirations
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- Inspirations
Creative Collaboration is the currency of the nanonation of Possibilica in which I play in.
Creative Collaboration can be measured from how much High Level Fun can we have in a process of collaborative creation.
If any of the projects below turn you archetypal lineage on and you want to join a team that is working their butts-off to make them happen, wait no more and contact me.
StartOver.xyz is massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation game.
It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you have the distinctions to create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself.
This game is a unique Map of Bubbles design for each player to create and walk his own unique and personal path of evolution. There is no up, there is no down. This is Life!
The StartOver team has already built around 200 websites, each being a Bubble of the Bubble Map. Every day the team fills them up with cool stuff and the amount of cool stuff in the Universe doesn't seem to have an end.
Gaian Road Team
80 videos of bridge makers to Next Culture await...
A group of Possibility Managers went all around the world to meet the Bridge Makers of our time. The (R)Evolutionaries who are at the edge of modern culture and creating bridges to Next Cultures.
80 interviews of more than an hour each have to be cut and edited to be shared with the world through a powerful, direct and clear medium: short videos.
Build Bridges to Next Culture for Every Profession
Shifting every profession existing in modern culture to Next Cultures. For every profession, one person needs to start building the bridge to walk for the patriarchal culture to the archearchal cultures. I want to empower each edgeworker to be a bridge builder for their unique profession / service. The bridge builder is the one who go first in creating the path for others of the same profession to leave the scarce gameworld of modern culture for the creative collaborative gameworld of next cultures. The bridge builder takes a stand for the group of individual delivering the same service who are waiting for the bridge to be build.
Next Culture's Voices - bridges to Archearchy: regenerative human cultures of archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men. How to get there yourself, now.
Making Possibility Management Visible
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/possibilitymanagement/
Instagram: @possibilitymanagementglobal
Copyleft © Anne-Chloé Destremau, 2022
All rights given. Please share and copy anything that inspires you on this website.
If you do use any of the material please mention Anne-Chloe Destremau and Possibility Management as the source.